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Promoting the protected characteristics

Promoting the Protected Characteristics at Intake Farm Primary School


At Intake, we work hard to ensure that our children understand that we are all one big happy family. There are no outsiders at Intake. Everybody is different and we celebrate our differences. 


The Equality Act became law in 2010. It covers everyone in Britain and it protects people from  discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Everyone in Britain is protected.

The Equality Act protects people against discrimination because of the protected characteristics that we all have. 


Under the Equality Act, there are nine Protected Characteristics:


1. Age

2. Disability

3. Gender reassignment 

4. Race - including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin

5. Religion or belief

6. Marriage or civil partnership

7. Sex

8. Sexual orientation

9. Pregnancy and maternity 


At Intake, we actively promote equality and the children's understanding of the protected characteristics through our curriculum.

Under the Equality Act,  we are all protected from discrimination:

  • when in the workplace
  • when using public services such as health care or education
  • when using businesses that provide services or goods
  • when using transport
  • when using clubs (e.g. Scouts)
  • when having contact with a public body such as a local council


     The following table shows how our curriculum is planned and delivered to take into account all of the protected characteristics. We don't teach about all the protected characteristics in every year group. The curriculum is planned and delivered so that our children develop age-appropriate knowledge and understanding during their time at Intake.    




Y2 summer term: growing older

DisabilityY6 DAART drug, alcohol and resilience training
Gender reassignment

Y5 summer term: changes in puberty, external genitalia 

Y6 DAART drug, alcohol and resilience training 

Y6 autumn term: attraction to others, romantic relationships

Marriage and civil partnership

Y1 autumn term: families

Y3 autumn term: what makes a family? features of family life 

Y6 autumn term: civil partnerships and marriage

Pregnancy and maternityY6 summer term: human reproduction and birth

Y4 autumn term: respecting differences

Y5 autumn term: responding respectfully to a wide range of people, recognising prejudice and discrimination   

Y6 DAART drug, alcohol and resilience training

Religion or belief

Y4 autumn term: respecting differences

Y6 DAART drug, alcohol and resilience training


Y4 autumn term: respecting differences

Y5 summer term: physical and emotional changes in puberty

Y6 autumn term: attraction to others 

Sexual orientation

Y1 autumn term: families

Y5 autumn term: responding respectfully

Y6 DAART drug, alcohol and resilience training

Y6 autumn term: romantic relationships 

