Welcome to the SEND information page.
Special Educational Needs and Inclusion is always a priority here at Intake Farm Primary School and Nursery. All staff and the Governing Body are highly committed to inclusion and the principles outlined in our SEN policy; working hard to ensure that provision is made for those who need it and that all children are given the opportunities to be the best they can be.
We strongly believe that children will be the best version of themselves if parents, teachers and pupils can all work together as a team.
For more information about how we make our curriculum accessible in line with legislation, please refer to the SEND parent information page below.
Our SENDco is: Miss Simpson
Contact Details: ksimpson@intakefarm.notts.sch.uk/ 01623 625552
Assistant SENDco: Mrs A Wilkinson
SEND Governor: Mrs M Grozier
Visit the Nottinghamshire Local Offer Website.
Want to find out more about
Education, Health & Care Plans?
Visit Nottinghamshire's Education, Health & Care plan pathway information site.
If you would like a paper copy of any of the information, below please let us know and we will be happy to provide one free of charge.
SEND POLICY 2022-2023
SEND home learning
This page is to help children with SEND to access learning at home, whether it be to help their Maths or English skills or look after their social and emotional health. I have also included links to a range of useful websites to support both children and parents through this time.
Miss Simpson
Extra resources and advice can also be found through the DFE website.