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If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 

Applying for a part-time (nursery/ FS1) school place

Our school has a wonderful Foundation Unit and children attend for half day sessions, 15 hours per week , either 3 hours each morning or 3 hours each afternoon.

Children are welcome to join us in the Foundation Nursery the term after they are aged 3 in September (Autumn Term), January (Spring Term) and April (Summer Term).

Parents who have registered their child(ren) for a part-time nursery place are contacted the term before they are due to start in the Foundation Unit and arrangements made for their child to attend induction sessions.   All sessions are held in the schools Foundation Stage Unit. 

Parents/carers wishing to register their child may do so from birth by putting their child(ren) on the waiting list. To register a child for a Foundation place, please complete the application form below and return to school, or contact us on 01623 625552 for more information.

Please also see our nursery page



30 Hours places for 3 & 4 year olds

All parents and carers who have children aged three or four are entitled to 15 hours a week funded hours.

Working parents may be entitled to 30 hours a week.


To be eligible for the increased funded hours, each parent must:

  • Earn at least £120 a week
  • Not earn £100,000 or more a year


People could still be eligible if they or their partner is on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, are unable to work if they have a disability or caring responsibilities. Single parents can also apply. 


To check if your child is eligible for 30 hours free funding, please visit or contact the school office for further information. 

Any queries you can contact 'Childcare Choices' directly - 03001234097


Primary to secondary transfer (year 7)
Open: 7 August 2023
Close: 31 October 2023

Admission to reception
Open: 6 November 2023
Close: 15 January 2024

Even though your child may attend Intake Farm Primary School’s Foundation unit (F1), parents still have to apply for a full time place in school.  We currently have a planned admission number (PAN) of 30 places.  

If parents live in Nottinghamshire, they must apply for a school place through Nottinghamshire County Council.  A letter will be sent from the LA (Local Authority) with details on how to apply and deadlines etc. Parents may choose any school for a full time place but standard admission criteria as above will be applied.
All Nottinghamshire schools now admit pupils at one point of entry.  Children will be admitted to full-time school in the September following their fourth birthday.  Some parents may wish to defer the start of full-time education until compulsory school age.  Parents/carers should discuss this option with the Headteacher of your preferred school or the School Admissions Team.

Parents who are considering sending their child to this school are welcome to visit by arranging a time with the Headteacher.

For our LA admission details see link below.  Tel. 0300 500 8080
