RE Ambassadors termly meeting- March 2023
1. Why is RE important? Why should we teach RE? What do you like about RE?
Luca (Y2)- I like learning about how different people celebrate.
Theo (Y3)- We can see what other religions do.
Kaydon (Y6)- We learned about the Qu’ran and the Bible. I liked that.
Olly (Y5)- You get to learn about the different religions of the world.
Emre (Y2)- It is fun. I like going to the church.
Kai- We don’t just learn about Christian festivals, we learn about other festivals too.
2. What have you been learning about this half term? Can you talk about your learning?
Everyone- Easter and Ramadan.
Theo- I know some of the special foods for Ramadan.
3. What can you tell me about Easter and Ramadan?
Kaydon- We know that Easter is celebrated by Christians.
Kai- In Ramadan, you eat before the sun comes up and after it goes down.
Theo- It is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is Hajj.
Luca- I know that Eid ends with a special feast.
4. Have you had any enriching experiences? Visitors in, visits out to the church? What happened?
Theo- We went to the church and looked at the high priest’s curtains. When the sky went dark, the curtains shut. We looked at the crucifixion.
Kaydon- We had Chris Frith from the church in. We ate bread and drank grape juice for the last supper.
5. Has your work included any other subjects? Music, art, ICT, drama?
Theo- We have done Easter art and a Ramadan invitation card.
Kaydon- We did some Eid art.
Emre- We made Easter cards.
Luca- We have done artwork about Easter baskets.
Kai- We have done Easter art and looked at Christian music.
Olly- Easter art.
6. Any general comments/ suggestions about RE across school.
Emre- I loved the Easter stuff.
Olly- Yeah I enjoyed the Easter stuff too.
Theo- I like going to the church.